Equal Employment Opportunity

Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity

Washington State University undertakes an annual Equitable Outreach, Recruitment, and Retention (EORR) Plan to ensure equal employment opportunity for women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans, in accordance with Executive Order 11246 and 41 CFR Chapter 60. The EORR Plan is designed to monitor the University’s employment policies and practices to avoid discrimination based on race or ethnicity, sex or gender, or protected veteran or disability status, in recruitment and employment decisions. The EORR Plan enables WSU to:

  • Draw diverse pools of qualified candidates for all employment openings;
  • Select the most qualified candidates for employment; and
  • Retain employees through programs and services that reflect WSU’s commitment to inclusion and belonging, mentorship, professional development, and social engagement.

Pursuant to Executive Policy 12 (EP 12), WSU’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR) carries out monitoring activities to ensure WSU is in compliance with state and federal equal employment opportunity laws. CCR is responsible for:

  • Designing the University’s annual EORR Plan;
  • Addressing allegations of discrimination and harassment on the basis of membership in a protected class, through investigation and, where possible, voluntary and equitable resolution. (See Executive Policy 15.)
  • Providing voluntarily-reported employee and applicant demographic information to appointing authorities, such as college and area leadership, upon completion of each year’s EORR Plan;
  • Tracking progress toward goal achievement in the EORR Plans that follow; and
  • Publishing information pertaining to WSU’s annual EORR Plans, including explanatory narratives (see EORR Plan Data for Hiring Managers below).

Meeting EORR Obligations

Per EP 12, appointing authorities are responsible for ensuring that their respective managers, supervisors, and units meet their EORR obligations by:

  • Assessing and adjusting their outreach to underrepresented communities and
  • Delivering action-oriented programs designed to foster recruitment and retention of qualified employees.

Faculty and staff responsible for outreach and recruitment activities must review the goals identified in the annual EORR Plan excerpts (see EORR Plan Data for Hiring Managers below) and the Online Position Description & Recruitment System (OPDRS) to assess their outreach, recruitment, and retention and avenues for improvement. WSU Human Resource Services (HRS) provides equitable tools and best practices.

Equitable Outreach

  • What do your applicant pools typically look like? Are you only seeing applicants from particular demographic groups?​
  • Plan programs and initiatives with organizations that serve communities that are currently underrepresented in your area or department (e.g., if you have few veterans in your department, look for organizations that serve veterans)​
  • Post jobs on platforms that serve underrepresented communities
  • Visit HRS’s website for Resources to Broaden Candidate Pools

Equitable Recruitment

  • Are all candidates being fairly considered? Are your review standards consistent and linked to the requirements of the position?​
  • Require search committee members to undergo anti-bias and recruitment trainings​
  • Visit HRS’s website for a Recruitment Toolkit

Equitable Retention

EORR Plan Data for Hiring Managers

The following are excerpts from WSU’s annual EORR Plans, formerly known as AAPs. This information is based on data from the fall of the prior year (e.g., the 2022 goals analysis consists of data from Fall 2021). These documents identify whether WSU may be underutilizing women and minorities*, not meeting the utilization goal set for individuals with disabilities, and not meeting the hiring benchmark for protected veterans.

The documents do not establish quotas and should not be used to make employment decisions. Appointing authorities and hiring managers must use this data to assess their outreach activities and attempt to reach potential applicants from demographic groups they are not currently reaching. The ultimate goal is not to hire anyone from any particular protected class. The ultimate goals are to encourage applications from all who would like to apply, select the most qualified candidates for every position, and foster a community in which people feel like they belong and want to remain.


2022 WSU Faculty Utilization/Goals Analysis Summary

2022 WSU Job Group Utilization/Goals Summary

2022 WSU AAP Narrative


2023 WSU Faculty Utilization/Goals Analysis Summary

2023 WSU Job Group Utilization/Goals Summary

2023 WSU AAP Narrative


2024 WSU Faculty Utilization/Goals Analysis Summary

2024 WSU Job Group Utilization/Goals Analysis Summary and Veterans Hiring Benchmark

2024 WSU EORR Plan Narrative

If you have questions about the goals analyses, please contact CCR or your HRS Consultant. You can also find general employee demographic statistics at Institutional Research.

*Because “minority” is the term used in the federal regulations, CCR uses this terminology in the EORR Plan and the excerpts listed above. However, WSU recognizes that “people of color” is a more inclusive term to describe people from many historically oppressed racial and ethnic groups.