Find support, education, and resources here at CCR.
Compliance Areas
ADA / 504
Find technical guidance regarding WSU’s obligations under the Americans with Disability Act, related laws and regulations, and information on grievance processes for those who experience discrimination on the basis of their disability.
Campus Security Authority &
Clery Act
Find information about the Clery Act’s campus safety requirements, Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), how CSAs can report, and WSU’s annual security reports.
Equal Employment Opportunity &
Affirmative Action Compliance
Information and guidance on compliance with state and federal equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws and regulations.
Title IX
Information, guidance, grievance processes, support, and resources for individuals who experienced misconduct on the basis of sex, including different treatment, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, or sexual misconduct.
Health Sciences
Your resource for education, advice, and support for compliance under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and related laws and regulations.