Discrimination and Hate Crimes


WSU prohibits discrimination and discriminatory harassment, as defined in the WSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment, Executive Policy 15 (EP 15).

EP 15 prohibits discrimination based on the following protected classes:

  • Race 
  • Sex/gender 
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity or expression 
  • Religion 
  • Age 
  • Color
  • Creed
  • National or ethnic origin 
  • Marital status 
  • Genetic information 
  • Status as an honorably discharged veteran or member of the military. 
  • Physical, mental, or sensory disability, including the use of a trained service animal
  • Immigration or Citizenship Status, except as authorized by federal or state law, regulation, or government contract 

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Harassment
  • Denial of educational or employment opportunities
  • Treating individuals differently
  • Name calling, jokes, or other verbal or physical behavior
  • Following a practice that disproportionately impacts one group
  • Hate crimes

In determining if the conduct is discriminatory and a violation of this policy, the totality of the circumstances is assessed including, but not limited to, the following factors:

  • Severity 
  • Frequency of discrimination 
  • Status of the reporting and responding parties and their relationship to each other 
  • Physicality, threats, or endangerment
  • Whether or not the conduct could be reasonably considered protected speech or serving some other lawful purpose 

If you have been subjected to discrimination or hate crimes or you become aware of discrimination, CCR may be able to assist you with reporting options, grievance procedures, and supportive measures. Learn more about CCR and WSU policies and procedures regarding discrimination:

Other Reporting Options

WSU community members have the right to report concerns to CCR, but also to external agencies.

Some discrimination is also criminal, such as hate crimes. If you experience criminal misconduct, you can also separately report your concerns to law enforcement. CCR can help connect you to a law enforcement agency near you, and if you are in immediate danger, you should call 911. In general, to report a hate crime that happened to you or you witnessed a hate crime:

  1. Report the crime to your state or local police by calling 911
  2. Report the crime to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
    1. Online: You can report a hate crime to the FBI at: tips.FBI.gov.
    2. By phone: Call the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324)

Some hate incidents may not constitute a crime. It is still important to report, so our community and country can track incidents and identify ways to address conduct and support our community. Reports can be made to:

  1. WSU Compliance and Civil Rights, ccr@wsu.edu, 509-335-8288
  2. Dept of Justice Civil Rights Division, civilrights.justice.gov

Support for victims of hate crimes

WSU’s CCR helps facilitate support for victims of discrimination and hate crimes in our community. Victims can also contact the federal Department of Justice’s VictimConnect Resource Center to speak to a trained victim assistance specialist, at not cost, at 1-855-484-2846.