Supportive Measures

What are supportive measures?

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate and as reasonably available, without fee or charge to a reporting party/complainant or respondent. Supportive measures may be offered before and/or after a formal complaint is filed, or where no formal complaint is filed.

Supportive measures are provided through consultation with:

  • The Title IX Coordinator
  • CCR
  • The Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) or campus Student Affairs leadership
  • Human Resource Services (HRS), and/or
  • The department/college

What measures are available?

Academic Measures for Students

  • Request consideration or flexibility to a faculty member regarding academic needs
  • Contacting individual faculty members for specific requests
  • Independent study
  • Additional tutoring
  • Withdrawal, withdrawal without penalty, medical withdrawal
  • Incompletes on classes
  • Transfer assistance
  • Classroom management plans
  • Remote attendance/recording classes
  • Academic schedule changes
  • Access Center/reasonable accommodations
  • Enrollment in Global Campus

Referrals to Care Providers

  • Local victim advocacy agencies for access to counseling, crisis lines, support groups, shelters, etc.
  • Counseling Services – WSU and community referrals, as available.
  • Medical Providers, in particular hospitals with Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs).
  • Referrals to off-campus counselors.
  • National/State resources to locate additional advocates/care providers, such as:
    • Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
    • Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV)
    • Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSAP)

Services for Employees

  • Employee Assistance Program (counseling, financial, legal)
  • Workplace management/safety plans
  • Work schedule adjustments, as needed, to obtain medical or mental health care, legal assistance, and/or confidential secure shelter.
  • Domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking leave
  • Change reporting lines in consultation with HRS.
  • Identify alternate work in consultation with supervisors/HRS.
  • Work from home options in consultation with supervisors/HRS.
  • Work schedule changes in consultation with supervisors/HRS.
  • Work accommodations/reasonable accommodations through HRS Disability Services.


  • Emergency funding
  • Support for tuition adjustment petitions (considered in appropriate cases)
  • Campus involvement (student organizations, Women’s Center, Diversity Centers, etc.)


  • Appeal of a Determination of Responsibility, Disciplinary Process, and Appeals (Students)
  • Appeal of a CCR Investigation or Closing Document (Employees and WSU Community Members)
  • Appeal of a Dismissal of a Formal Complaint of Title IX Sexual Harassment