WSU Resources
Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR)
CCR works closely with CCS on student matters or HRS on employee matters involving discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. CCR conducts investigations, makes findings of fact, and determines whether Executive Policy 15: WSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment was violated. CCR also provides trainings about discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct. Housed on the Pullman Campus, CCR works with all WSU Campuses across the system. Interpretive services are available. French 225, 509-335-8288.
Human Resource Services (HRS)
HRS assist individuals with their employment needs. HRS occasionally works with CCR when matters that implicate EP 15 may also implicate policies within the purview of HRS. HRS may also work with supervisors to address any disciplinary action, as appropriate, after the preliminary investigation is complete. While HRS is housed on the Pullman Campus, there are representatives from HRS on each campus system-wide.
Office of the University Ombuds
The ombuds is designated by the university to function as an impartial and neutral resource to assist all members of the university community. The ombuds provides information relating to university policies and procedures and facilitates the resolution of problems and grievances through informal investigation and mediation. The office does not replace or supersede other university grievances, complaint, or appeal procedures. 509-335-1195.
Campus Police & Security
In Case of Emergency call 911
Pullman Police Department
Law enforcement for all off-campus incidents. 509-334-0802
Spokane Police Department
Law enforcement for all off-campus incidents. 509-411-5980.
Everett Police Department
Law enforcement. 425-257-8700.
Tri-Cities – WSU Security
Law enforcement for on-campus incidents. 509-372-7698
Vancouver – WSU Security
Law enforcement for on-campus incidents. 360-546-9001
Confidential Contacts
Washington Recovery Help Line
24-Hour Help for Substance Abuse, Problem Gambling & Mental Health. 1-866-789-1511
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helps WA State Government employees and their family members resolve personal or work-related problems through:
- Counseling
- Legal Consultation
- Financial Counseling
Using your EAP does not cost you anything. 1-877-313-4455
Free Clinic Directory
Information about free and low-cost health care options in the state of Washington.
Employee Handbooks & Policy Manuals
Employee Handbooks
Civil Service employee should refer to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Personnel Title 357, for rules guiding a wide range of personnel actions. The WAC serves as the handbook for employees in this category.
Policy Manuals
Report Discrimination
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
- Washington State Human Rights Commission