Grievance Procedures

Discrimination and Harassment Grievances

Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR) is WSU’s central intake and referral office for discrimination and harassment-based violence complaints from students, staff, faculty, and visitors or guests. CCR collaborates with other university offices that receive and address complaints and problems in educational environments and workplaces throughout the university. There are multiple options to individuals with concerns of discrimination and harassment. CCR can meet with you to discuss supportive measures, resolution options, and formal grievance procedures, as well as other confidential and non-confidential resources available to you. CCR can investigate formal complaints of discrimination and harassment.

CCR investigates complaints, facilitates resolutions, and facilitates supportive measures for concerns that implicate the WSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment, utilizing specific procedural guidelines. To learn more about this policy and procedure, please visit the links below:

To learn more about grievance procedures, supportive measures, and options available to you, contact CCR for an intake consultation:, 509-335-8288, French Administration Building Room 225. Interpretive services and accommodations are available upon request.

CCR follows the following guidelines when investigating a complaint:

CCR Procedural Guidelines

WSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment, Executive Policy 15

Information on Disciplinary Procedures:

Standards of Conduct for Students

Employee Manuals

Interpretative services are available upon request.

Advisors and Support Persons:

Complainants and respondents (participants, jointly) participating in CCR’s process have the right to have an advisor assist them through the process.  An advisor can be a support person (e.g., a friend, family member, trusted colleague); an advisor may also be an attorney. Participants may select their own advisors; however, participants are encouraged to select individuals who are not witnesses in their matter, to preserve the integrity of the investigation.

For most advisors, participants simply let CCR know they are including an advisor in the meeting with them. CCR does not copy the advisor on communications, but the participant is welcome to share information with their advisor as they see fit. However, if a participant has legal counsel and would like that counsel to serve as an advisor, CCR will include the legal counsel in communications after they confirm their role. If a participants wants to include an attorney as an advisor, participants will need to complete this form.

Advisor Designation

CCR reserves the right to confirm identification as needed by requesting WSU or state issued identification.