Clery Act Compliance

Annual Security Reports

Annual Security and Fire Safety (where applicable) Reports are available online at the links below.  These reports provide information on crime statistics, emergency response and warning procedures, security policies, fire safety policies, educational programs, and procedures available to address crimes, including dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Paper copies are also available upon request; requests can be made to

Annual Security Report Pullman and additional sites

Spokane/Yakima – Annual Security Report

Tri-Cities – Annual Security Report

Vancouver – Annual Security Report

Everett – Annual Security Report

Additional Resources

U.S. Department of Education: The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting

20 U.S. Code § 1092.Institutional and financial assistance information for students

System Clery Act Compliance

The WSU System Clery Committee provides leadership and accountability by coordinating system­wide efforts to ensure compliance with the Clery Act, its implementing regulations, and relevant Violence Against Women Act amendments. The Clery Act obligations impact and involve multiple departments, campuses and extension facilities. 

Campus Security Authorities

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are designated employees who are required to report crimes statistics to their campus crime statistic collector (typically, campus police or security) for inclusion in the annual security report. Reporting also allows your campus safety professionals to determine if timely warnings or emergency notifications to the campus community are warranted.

For an overview of the Clery Act, Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), Clery geography, and Clery crimes, please refer to the CSA Handout. CSAs are encouraged to keep a printed copy of this handout at their workspace.

The WSU System Clery Committee provides leadership and accountability by coordinating system­wide efforts to ensure compliance with the Clery Act, its implementing regulations, and relevant Violence Against Women Act amendments. The Clery Act obligations impact and involve multiple departments, campuses and extension facilities. 

Looking for training?

CCR offers the Clery Act – CSA training, which explains the Clery Act and the unique role and responsibilities CSAs hold here at WSU. You can access this training on the Compliance page in Percipio by selecting “Clery Act” from the list of Compliance Assignments. Beginning in 2023, this training is required annually for CSAs, as recommended by the WSU System Clery Committee. CSAs will be assigned this training in Percipo.

How to report crimes as a Campus Security Authority:

Please note, CSA reporting requirements are defined federally. However, WSU employees, with or without CSA responsibilities, may have additional reporting requirements under WSU’s policies. Please visit WSU reporting requirements for more information.

Report all crimes and other emergencies directly to local campus security or law enforcement. You can contact your law enforcement or campus security office via telephone, or you can click on the link below to use an online reporting form that will be routed appropriately. The online reporting form sends information directly to your assigned campus security or law enforcement office.

Reporting Form


Why CSA crime reporting is important

  • To fulfill WSU’s responsibility to disclose Clery crime statistics annually.
  • To issue “Timely Warnings” and “Emergency Notifications” for Clery crimes and events that pose a serious or continuing threat to the campus community.

Types of Crimes to Report

Campus Security Authorities are required to report any of the below crimes occurring within Clery Geography, which includes campus property, non-campus property, and some public property near or within campus. CSAs are not required to know if property is considered Clery Geography or whether or not a crime fits the specific definitions of the crime list below. CSAs are encouraged to report any crime information they have; their campus crime statistics collector will assess whether the crime is considered a Clery reportable crime. Over-reporting also helps ensure the university has sufficient information to determine whether timely warnings or other emergency notifications are warranted.

  • Murder, including nonnegligent and negligent manslaughter
  • Sexual assault (rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape)
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Robberty
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson
  • Arrest
  • Liquor law violations
  • Drug law violations
  • Weapons law violations
  • Hate crimes (any of the above offenses and larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, destruction/damage/vandalism of property)